Hello world cool

Semester 1 courses:

    1. Linear algebra and Probability
    2. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
    3. Graphics and Visualization
    4. Computer Architecture

Semester 2 courses:

    1. Computational Topology
    2. Principles of Distributed Software
    3. Distributed Computing Systems
    4. Machine Learning

Semester 3 courses:

    1. Linear Algebra and its application
    2. Data Analytics

My area of interest :

My Hobbies :

List of Projects:

    1. Coding Arena
    2. C++ practice problems

    3. Heterogenous Computing
    4. OpenCL Programming

    5. Music Box
    6. OpenGl project

    7. OS
    8. OS project

    9. VTK-Arena
    10. VTK programs

    11. ML-Arena
    12. Machine Learning programs