

MST - Prim’s Algorithm

MST - Kruskal’s Algorithm


A program to demonstrate memory leak in C++.
A program to demonstrate wild pointer in C++.


A program to demonstrate Golomb sequence in C++.

A program to count subarray with sum = k in C++.

A program to minimize maximum of array in C++.

A program to find number of subsequences of the form aibjck in C++.

Dynamic Programming

A program to find if there is a subset with given sum in C++.

A program to find max sum of non adj elements in C++.


A program to find number of ways to reach destination in C++.

A program to find number of provinces in C++.

A program to count number of islands in C++.


A program to find minimum number of multiplications to multiply a chain of matrices in C++.

Bit Manipulation

A program to count set bits till an integer(1…N) in C++.

A program to count set bits till an integer(1…N) and return list of count in C++.